June 19, 2018

Lepanto Mining passes TUV upgrade audit
Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company successfully passed TUV Rheinland Philippines’ second follow up with upgrade audit, with zero non-conformance, and is now ISO 14001:2015 certified.
Following the audit conducted on April 23 – 25, covering three company facilities – Makati Corporate Office, Lepanto Warehouse in Bulacan and Lepanto Mine Division in Mankayan Benguet, - the audit team confirmed that the company’s environmental management system complies with, adequately maintains and implements the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard. The audit result further disclosed that “the organization has established and maintains an effective system to ensure compliance with its policy and objectives”.
The audit report noted nine positive findings, particularly highlighting the company’s solid waste management with the completion of its engineered sanitary landfill, setting a benchmark in the Philippine mining industry. TUV lauded the company’s initiative on PCB decontamination, making Lepanto again, as the first in the country’s mining industry, and second nationwide. The certifying body also commended the mine operations’ usage of steel sets as underground support, in an effort to minimize the use of lumbers.
“The transition process was certainly not easy, but everyone showed teamwork and determination in vying for the ISO certification upgrade. This is another milestone for Lepanto Mining, one that validates our strong commitment to the environment and most especially to our surrounding communities”, LCMC’s VP for HR and Administration and overall Environmental Management Representative Mr. Knestor Jose. Y. Godino said.
The ISO 14001 certification initiative was led by the EMS Team headed by the Vice President – HRAD and Overall Environmental Management Representatives (EMR), Knestor Jose Y. Godino, Vice President and Resident Manager / LMD-EMR, Engr. Thomas S. Consolacion, MEPED Manager / Deputy EMR, Rolando C. Reyes. The Environmental Management Representatives were assisted by the EMS Committee Members, Document Controllers, Internal Auditors, Training and Awareness Team, Environmental Emergency Response Team Members, Pollution Control Officers, Top Management and all members of the organization.
Lepanto Mining obtained its ISO 14001:2004 in May 12, 2016 and was maintained in May 2017.